6 Signs It’s Time for That Dreaded Hair Trim

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Everyone yearns to flaunt a long and blossoming crown. This could be quite challenging for my natural 4c queens but still very possible.

It is challenging because most of us have massive hair shrinkage, after all, we did decide to choose health over length.

In the natural hair world however, you have to give to receive!

What this means is that you have to give your hair the TLC it needs (trims included) to receive and value that length you desperately crave for.

I know it could be super difficult cutting off parts of your gorgeous crown, especially when all you are trying to do is retain as much length possible. In the long run though, your hair would thank you!

If you decide to have ‘coconut’ head and ignore reasoning in the name of length retention, let me give you the scoop on what would happen.

Those dreaded split ends would continue to enlarge their coast. You then end up cutting off way more than you ever envisioned.

Do the wise thing today girl!

So the big question is, how often should our tips be trimmed?

Controversy is an understatement when it comes to this question! Different naturals are of different schools of thought. I would however say that as a guide most people, depending on their hair texture and porosity type opt for a trim every 3-4 months.

However some others could go as long as 8 months without a trim, especially if there are no signs indicating an urgent trim.

Whatever school of thought you belong to, make sure it is the real deal!

Don’t belong because you want to feel among. You have to belong based on what your hair is telling you.

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This brings us to crux of the matter

6 signs that say you need an urgent hair trim

When three or more of the following signs are present then baby girl its time for a trim

1. Your ends are no longer coiling up!

This definitely screams split ends. The inability of your ends to coil up come from them being damaged and they need to go babe!

2. Your hair dries faster than usual

Yeah I know that high porosity babes would scream……”welp! This is a norm for us, afterall our cuticle is always open” however this point is very much valid for all hair porosity types. You most likely can tell when there is a significant change in your hair behaviour, so study it wisely and please make the right decisions.

3. Detangling is now hell!

It’s no news that detangling 4c hair could be a struggle when the wrong tools and products are used, however when detangling hell persists despite efforts to soften with leave-ins it just might be time for a trim.

4. Styling is difficult

Just like detangling, the same concept applies for styling. When your regular styling products seem not to have the same effect they used to have then your hair is telling you to take off the bad ends.

5. Hair breakage, and small knots are on the rise

Yes, hair shedding is expected every now and then but when you begin to see a full “bundle” of hair on the floor with those annoying small knots after dilligently combing through, those ends have got to go!

6. Your ends are becoming see through

See the thing about untimely trims is that damaged ends continue to broaden their horizons and move up inches. This would inadvertently cause a huge portion of your hair to become sparse and then you end up trimming more than you should actually have if you had been timely.

Now I know many people fret at subjecting their hair to strangers in the name of trimming. I am one of them.

Some of these so-called hair stylists misbehave and cut off more hair than required. They callously ruin all of your good work with length retention. Long and short of the matter, I trim my hair myself and once in a blue moon, visit a trusted natural hair saloon to get my trim. You should do the same, and if you can’t do it on your own, a trusted hair saloon is your best bet.

I do hope I was able to move y’all a step further to achieving the crown of your dreams with this post. Till later, Stay blessed queens❤️

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