Eating healthy for that sexy beach body (To exercise or not to exercise)

My people! There is no point trying to give y’all any unnecessary zobo! Everyone knows that I love food, and I am confident that food loves me right back!

This right here is a proud and unapologetic foodie ✌️

But the downside of being a foodie is maintaining that healthy drop dead gorgeous weight! 

Ko easy rara, awon challenges yen por!

If only wishes were horses, we would all eat to our full and not gain a single pound. But that’s not how life works. 

Unfortunately some of us have to put in the full works and be intentional about what we consume or risk looking like amoebas (totally shapeless)

Meanwhile there are some specific group of people who probably got their way with bribing the fat “gods” before making a grand appearance on earth. 

Even if these set of people eat a truck load of chocolates and cake,  it somehow doesn’t reflect on them. They remain as slim and sexy as ever. 

But the big question is…….what does it take to maintain a healthy weight balance?

I used to be in the band wagon of starvation to attain sexy beach body till I was saved from the delusion! 

Then again in my naive mind I also felt that perhaps if I exercise for several hours after indulging in several calorie high meals it would cancel out the calories instantly. Now I find this quite hilarious and ridiculous.

Yo guys this weight balance thing has been a struggle since forever! But now I can confidently say, I think I am getting the hang of it👊

What do I do to stay fit?

No it’s not by spending all my years at the gym, neither is it by starving myself from all the yummy delicacies life has to offer. Ogun ko Laye (Life is not a battle please)

It is rather by staying informed, and being intentional about what I consume.

When I say staying informed, let me explain what I mean. I painstakingly found out why some people eat so much and never add weight while people like me indulge just a tiny little bit and blow up

It’s because we have varying body types Fam! 

I would give a quick run down of the body types so you understand what I mean

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• Ectomorphs are long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle. They have a hard time gaining weight. 
• Endomorphs, on the other hand, have lots of body fat, lots of muscle, and gain weight easily. 
• Mesomorphs are athletic, solid, and strong. They’re not overweight and not underweight, and they can eat what they want without worrying too much about it.

If you guessed Endomorph as my body type, you definitely guessed right! I didn’t understand my body type initially, so I struggled hopelessly.

Now that I know my body type, it has been a massive game changer guys!

What have I discovered?


Endomorphs can’t handle a lot of carbs, so try to keep your carb intake low. Make sure most of your carbs are coming from fruit and veggies, and skip the starches such as pastas, breads and rice. 


Fat and protein will be your new best friends! Both of them will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and will help you burn more calories. Think lean meats, oily fish, nuts, seeds & avocado.


Of course! No diet should be super restrictive. Try some healthier treats such as choc avocado mousse or homemade protein balls. But if you must have chocolate, keep it in moderation!. 

Asides working on my diet and food intake, Balancing it off with exercise makes all the difference. Me I am not talking about ‘fe ku fe ku’ exercise o (exercise till you drop) I am talking about targeted exercises to the parts of my body that accumulate fat easily (my arms, and belly). They are quick, intense and effective routines.

I would drop you tube links to said exercises. I am honestly not a gym kind of person, I don’t have the energy please. I registered a couple of times but never got to it. So I do these targeted exercises in the comfort of my home instead.

I do hope you learnt something new from this post! Catch y’all later

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