How to use beauty blenders (Are they under or overrated?)

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Some years back, a soft, ‘sort of’ egg like foam started to gain recognition across all borders of the make up world.    This foam was tagged a possible replacement for our flat and oval  foundation brushes, and too many make up artists sang praises of the blending power of this foam. 

It took ages before I finally discovered the name of this soft make up tool. At this point of my life, I struggled massively with getting the hang of make up. Moving forward, I realized this foam was,  and is still popularly called a beauty blender. 

After too many years of exploring with beauty blenders, I have quite a number of things to say about them. Let’s take it one stride at a time. 

My first beauty blender impression

The first time I laid my hands on a beauty blender, I realized how soft and easy it was on the palms. As much as I loved the feel of  the blender on my palms, what truly mattered was if I knew how to use it. 

After  the euphoria of finally joining the trend, I started my beauty blending journey, if I may say so. Boy did I make mistakes! Knowledge they say is power!

I sure have learnt from my mistakes and  I am here to share all that I know, as well as answer the burning question……. Are beauty blenders over or underrated? 

Ok, my answer to this question would come at the end of the post when I am done with my brief on the dos and donts of using a beauty blender. Let’s start with the Don’ts.

How not to use a beauty blender (Don’ts) 

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  • Never use a beauty blender when it is dry Using a dry beauty blender won’t give that flawless beat you so desire. Instead, it would mess up your foundation/concelaer application, and leave you with some nasty patches. 
  • Using a dirty beauty blender is also an abomination! Aside the hygiene implications of putting a foam filled with micro organisms on your delicate facial skin, Products from dirty beauty blenders would also mess with the out look and application of your products. 
  • Using the wrong size/ shape of beauty blenders is also a thing. Using a beauty sponge that is too wide or big might be inappropriate for blending your under eye highlight or nose contour
  • Using soaking wet beauty blenders! This right here is one calamity I don’t wish on my enemy lol! If your beauty sponge is soaking wet, and you intend to use it for blending your foundation, don’t try it, gurl! It would legit ruin your makeup up 
  • Using the same side of the beauty sponge used to blend an highlight to also blend the contour lines. This would mess up the look you are going for and cause an avoidable shade mix.
  • Getting a sub par/poor quality beauty blender. See, I have used low quality beauty blenders and the highly recommended quality ones, and I can tell you for free that the quality ones out lived the sub par ones and made blending super easy.
  • Not washing your beauty blenders appropriately and leaving them soapy. Washing them could tedious if you are oblivous to the beauty sponge washing technique.

Dos of beauty blenders 

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How really should your beauty blenders be used, then? 

Well, establishing some simple ground rules/ facts would inform your decision. 

  • Use clean beauty sponges always! Using a clean beauty sponge would ensure that your product shades stay true to the skin match with no mix from dirty, residual products. 
  • A damp beauty sponge gets you the best results. The perfect condition for slaying a beat with your beauty blender is when it is damp. By damp I mean, not too dry, and not soaking wet. The little moisture in the damp sponge would help the product sink into the skin seamlessly
  • Technique matters too y’all! When using your damp beauty sponge, make sure not to drag it across your face; instead, bounce it gently on your skin till you successfully go round. This would help to keep the blending flawless. 
  • Wash your beauty sponge the right way! For people that are new to the beauty sponge world, it could be super challenging getting them clean. A number of  people have  asked me questions on the best way to ensure the beauty sponge is absolutely clean. I always tell them to opt for a bar soap and a cleaning mat. The bar soap would ensure the beauty sponge doesn’t absorb too much soap as opposed to the liquid soap. I would say from experience that if you opt for a liquid soap, you might be at the tap longer than you anticipated. “ My dear! You go wash tire” This is because the sponge is sort of an absorber that finds it difficult to let go. It would absorb your liquid soap and almost not let it go. A nice brush mat would also come in handy for tough stains. 
  • On a final note, try to get quality beauty sponges. The poorly made one always turn stone hard after a few wash and use. It is honestly heart breaking! Trust me, I have been down this road severally. Some great brands with quality beauty sponges I can vouch for and that last longer include Fenty beauty’s precision make up sponge, Real techniques miracle complexion sponge, Elf cosmetics total face sponge, L’Oréal infallible blend artist foundation blender. 
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These beauty blending sponges come in different sizes and shapes to suit various purposes. Illd end this post by answering the initial question: 

Are beauty sponges under/overrated? 

Illd say they are Underrated honestly! My make up game, especially foundation application changed when I got acquainted with and began to understand the proper use of beauty sponges. If you still haven’t keyed into this make up gem, please get off the ignorance train and purchase one or more beauty blender/sponge today. 

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